Forthcoming: International Legume Conference, ILC8

Marcelo Simon, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brazil
Tania Moura, Instituto Federal Goiano, Brazil

You may recall from the closing moments of the ILC7 in Sendai 2018 that Brazil was chosen to host the next International Legume Conference. The Brazilian legume community initially planned the ILC8 to take place in 2022, but due to the pandemic situation and severe sanitary crisis that struck Brazil (and most of the world) in the last two years, our plans had to be put on standby. We considered having an online conference, but after discussing this option we decided that it would be better to postpone the event. Therefore, we opted for having the ILC8 as a conventional/in person conference and our intention is to deliver it in July 2023. Nevertheless, we will only pick a definitive date when we are sure that it will be safe for everyone to travel and meet.

The Brazilian legume community is very motivated to host the ILC8, which will take place in the colonial town of Pirenópolis in central Brazil. We are looking forward to warmly welcoming all of you to Brazil. In due time, you are going to hear from us again.

Marcelo F. Simon President of the 8th International Legume Conference

Pirenopolis Brazil

Town of Pirenópolis, Goiás, in central Brazil.

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